Why is this in the second place?
It's just not so good. But in two weeks it is out of the top 50. How do i know that? Because it's a christmas movie!
Why is this in the second place?
It's just not so good. But in two weeks it is out of the top 50. How do i know that? Because it's a christmas movie!
You win teh prize. Timing is
I realy don't get why this had a score from 3/5
I know it's still under judgement. But it is just not so good.
I liked the music from the credits. Can you give me the name of it?
not so good, hmm its nice if ud tell y it isnt that good, because this didnt really helped. music? hmm nah
This was beter than i thought it would be.
Make your next one longer and you will get an higher score!
thank you for the kind words. I see that you've also submited some flash movies of your own. Well then, even if you said it sucked I would respect your answer. Thank you.
he.. he....
Kind of funny. 2/5 for you.
Thanks for the vote! but dosent that nice 5 just draw your mouse toward it?? J/k
I've seen better.
But it is pretty good. 2/5 fot you.
Obviosly youve seen better we all have but its better than some stuff on newgrounds :D thx for the vote
That sucked heavy!
What the point? You can't even do anything here.
yes you can.. you clan click play.
Nice graphics!
I didn't watch it with the new voices. But the graphics are awsome! Wow man. Every character animated in 3d. Good job man. Come on part two.
You didn't watch it with the new voices ?
You had no sounds ? cause those were the new voices.
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel: youtube.com/timvanhelsdingen
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03