Haha. lol
Cant believe this scored so high. I bet you also didnt expect that right? Yeah. Well. Goof for you :D
Good job.
Haha. lol
Cant believe this scored so high. I bet you also didnt expect that right? Yeah. Well. Goof for you :D
Good job.
now i just feel bad =S
Great flash.
Looks even better then the real powerpuff girls. Awsome. But too bad it is so short. Haven't watched the other parts yet. Gonne do that in a while. Good job.
thanks man
Great stickmovie!
Liked it how you used shading on your sticks and use 3d weapons you made in swift. looks good.
Thanks a lot
Yeah. Nice trailer.
But i still think you shouldnt submit trailers here. Thats what the alpha section on ng is for.
+ a lot of people now already saw the beginning of your movie. so they might give it a lower score when its done. So next time. Dont submit any trailers. Looking forward to the whole movie btw.
Thanx man youre right..
Haha. Nice one.
Btw. Did you use a higher fps then you normally do? it looks a lot smoother then normal. also the quality is higher. Good job.
well actually its the same fps as always,but since im using "adobe premier" now it wont convert the 15fps to 12fps...meaning that the animation will stay as smooth as i originaly animated
Lol. zieke shit ventjes.
jij weet wat humor is
Better then part 4.
Although its not really that long (too bad)
Its actually kinda cool. The music fits in pretty good. Good job.
Btw. Next time stream the audio.
I don't know how to stream audio and stuff, you should e-mail me at natenation@charter.net and help me out. Flash is pretty much something I have taught myself so I don't know alot of technical stuff.
Sorry guys.
Its just kind of a bad claymation.
Sorry to break it to you, but it is better than anything you have made.
Your anger stems from a deep seated pit of jealously, and you can't ever reply to this.
Its ok. Nothing more.
I did like the fbf robot scenes. They were cool YOu should make a whole movie like that.
Yeah I should. Never attempt to make a whole movie like that. You're right. It would be like 0402394012 megs anyways.
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel: youtube.com/timvanhelsdingen
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03