nice one!
I like your style!
And its pretty long too! Dunno why its only at 2.60... should be at 3.30 at least. good job!
nice one!
I like your style!
And its pretty long too! Dunno why its only at 2.60... should be at 3.30 at least. good job!
Thank you, but some people just dont like this type of movie and give 0 whitout looking more thant 30 sec at it.
Its nice to see someone else try ss too.
And its pretty good. But you can improve a few things. The animation can be a bit smoother and stuff. But good job!
Thanks :) and it was VERY nice of you to give me the sound fx
Nice movie dudes!
Gefeliciteerd met jullie daily 2th place... UT SCHEELDE GEWOON 0.01 EN IK HAD DAIILY 2th GEHAD.. Maarja... ik gun ut jullie ook. Btw. ik heb jullie in msn toegevoegd. Accepteer ut ff.
Talk to ya later dudes!
sorry dat ik je net te snel af ben maat..:S .En gefeliciteerd!Je hebt zowel mijn als Luc's verkeerde msn gepakt, maar dat kon jij niet weten dat we al gewisseld hadden..Je bent aangemeld maar ik ben er niet zo vaak de laatste tijd..
Its ok and the drawings are pretty nice.
But next time stream the audio so you can sync the movements to the audio.
thanks i will be sure to do that next time thanks game cubicle
Can it get any worse then this?!?!!?!?
Stay with normal flash dude.... you just suck at clay... sorry.. what fps was this? 6?!?!?!?!
YOu shoudl always use 15 for stopmotion man!
Toen ik mijn webcam net kreeg had ik een paar filmpjes gemaakt. Later heb ik die bij elkaar gezet en ik kreeg wel een hoge score... Duss
Nice one dude!
Really cool. Nice drawings and stuff... really nice... A bit of a akward story... But i odnt care.. .this is just a really good movie.
Good job!
Im glad you dug the movie man! Thanks a bunch!
Well... its ok... But nothing too special...
Graphics just kida suck... and its only a trailer...
Not that it is that bad... but i just dont really like it.. .but i can understand it if peopel do like it... and hé... its my opinion right?
Well.. i hope the reall movie (if its going to be there...hé.. you never know :) ) Is going to be better.
Btw... can you tell me the name of the song? I think i might use it in my next movie.
Graphics will be improve soon. The music is Rob Zombie - Reloaded.
1.73 is a way too hight score for this....
1/5... doesnt deserve to stay. Next time try harder.
ok ...
Btw... filmpie zuigt. MAar dat boeit niet. Daarom een 10.
peter de haan is een baan
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel:
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03