K, now lemme watch the movie
K, now lemme watch the movie
Made me laugh this morning, cant rememver which part of the movie made me laugh.. the part with the red hat did.. but also another part.. mmm.. cant remember.
Mmm.. nice masking
Yeah, i also did flying clay once. Or you masked this, or you used a blue screen. Anyways, animation could be a bit smoother... And do something about the size man... A little bit compression and this could be 600kb
Geen masking, het waren visdraadjes :) Pure stop motion, vandaar de minder smoothe animatie. Ik was te lui om de images te compressen.
Amazing.... Truly Amazing
Man... that was.... Great... Havent seen an animated movie in a long that that was so great. The grahpics... The audio (amazing job on the audio, i always think audio is one of the most important things in a movie) All so great. I never really give 10's (i have written about 700 reviews and only gave about twelf 10's (ok, a bit more, but some where for teasing people who make crap, funny to give a 10 then :P)
Anyways, have you though about going into the animation bussyness, cause i see you are a teacher now, or do you teach art?
Anyways. Amazing job.
Cant wait to see more :D
Nice one :O
Good job, you could have done better i think though. Ive been visiting your site a few times, and i saw some fbf movie you made on paper, and the animation there was smoother.
The part where the chair was trowing him around was nicely done though. Good job.
As as always, awsome audio. good job.
When is Mery Melony 2 comming out btw? (hehe... you could have guessed people are going to ask you that :P)
Its ok
But its only scoring so high because you made it.
Its not that great. Nice graphics though.
Haha. Even weirder then part 1
I mean... a talking hotdog... wtf...
Anyways, good job, Made me laugh a bit in some places, Was funny when the guy wanted to jump from the table and the other guy said "Yeah, Go for it." Lolz.
Anyways, You should have looped the spinning on the ground animation a little bit better, it didnt loop smooth.
Anyways, Good job.
Keep em comming.
yeah that pissed me off when it didnt turn out right..couldve been a good joke :(
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel:
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03