Just as the other episodes.... WEIRD!....
Just as the other episodes.... WEIRD!....
I thought the beginning was going to be the same..
as the other movies. But it turned out different.
Anyway, can't you try making something different then a lobster the lobster movie? It's getting pretty akward now.....
So how many episodes are you planning to do? 13231232343523523?
Oh c'mon, at least use a realistic number. Even at a rate of 1 LTL every 2 days that'd take me over 7 billion years!
I thought i already reviewed this yesterday... But it apears not... So here is my review.
Again a nice movie. Nice drawings and stuff. And some good 3d effects.
Same as all my otehr reviews for ltl.
The only thing i have to change about it is that this one is longer.
Everything was just amazing. Like watching a new movie. Also real nice 3d effects and stuff.
Overal amazing movie, one of the best graphics. Just really good....
Animation is not that great.....
But i really like the scene were all the clayguys raise the arms... That takes long time to make..i know.. i hope you have more scenes with loads of claydudes moving at the same time in the final product.
Thanks for the comment. And the advice (About the animation).
Cool. Once again.
Together with Luis you are the greatest frame by frame animator on ng. A question: Is it also your job? Animating?
It sounded cool how you mixed those two songs together.
But a bit too short.
ps. Ehat was the fps?
It's ok.
Were you inspired by Vip ribin making this?
whats vip ribin
... and no, i just was making buddy icons, and i made a small one of a red dot rolling around on a white line, then the idea progressed from there
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel:
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03