Nice tutorial collab
This was pretty nice. Artists collaborating to bring a good tutorial.
But it did let me down a bit.
First off... the graphics...:
The layout just isn't working that well... you should have thought about it a bit more.
The layout does represent the feel of the tutorial good though.
But still pretty descent, just not that great.
About the tutorial itself:
A lot of subjects! Great it has a lot of Actionscript, since that was the one thing i didnt have a lot of in ultimate tutorial 2. So that is probably why a lot of people might go using this tutorial.
You might explain everything a bit more in depth though.
But good job on the actionscript parts :)
A few more things;
Some of the sections felt kinda rushed... like swift 3d... i mean c'mon... only bout 5 pages on that? i doubt anybody learned swift 3d because of it.
Seems like you were trying more to focus on flash (which is not a bad thing though, but if you add a swift 3d, fruity loops, etc.. section, make it worth it... else just leave it out of there)
Overall a good tutorial, despirte a few cons. But still one of the best tutorials newgrounds has to offer.
Good job all.