Dont make single subject tutorials
It was all explained pretty well, but only 1 subject... i mean 'c mon....
Ahh well, good job on this tut anyways.
Dont make single subject tutorials
It was all explained pretty well, but only 1 subject... i mean 'c mon....
Ahh well, good job on this tut anyways.
Aahhh happy times
Sweet game, dunno why i havent played it untill now, i saw it on the frontpage so many times.
Ahh well, great job.
Nice game
Im a big metroid prime fan myself, so i enjoyed it, too bad it was way too short. anyways, was this sponsored by games of gondor or was it for the contest? i hope it was sponsored... cause im not sure my own game im making is scoring 4+.... so that would mean i wouldnt get first prize then :P aahh well, lets go back to work.. its almost done :)
Pretty nice tutorial
but i dont get why people keep making tutorials, In ultimate tutorial 2 i covered everything plus hundreds of more subjects that you covered here, plus much more examples and better screenshots, so there wasnt really any need to this tutorial, sorry.
Not that its a bad tutorial (altough you could have done a better layout and better songs) but the problem is just this has already been covered way to many times.
3/5, its way overrated, but i have to admit, its way better then most other tutorials that get submited here.
Interesting review. I appreciate it and all, but just because you made a great tutorial (it was very good), doesn't mean other Flash authors that want to help should stop helping.
But thanks a lot for your review, and I hope that this tutorial, along with the many other good tutorials, including your own, on NG can help people work their way through learning Flash.
you can only win the 3.40+ score prize at the games of gonder competition once btw....
I'm not running in that competition
... Not another one...
Why do people keep making tutorials about... STUFF I ALREADY COVERED...
And if you do make a tutorial make a better layout and some original subjects ok?
I can see you put some work in this, so i vote 2/5, but next time a bit better graphics and some subjects that havent been covered a thousand times already k?
how am i gunna know what you covored or not! this is for noobs!
I am worth 109.112
Is that a lot? mmm.. i think it is, anyways, good job on this, its nice.
Hehe, nice and adictive :)
Good job, my highscore is about 250 i guess.... that good? lol :P
mine is 1117
86695 is my score
Too bad hackers hacked the highscore thingy btw :(
The ruin it for us all
Nice game for only 7kb btw :P
I already covered this bigtime...
+ the layout of this sucks, Mmm.. well... its ok i guess..... Bit short... yeah....
LOL no shit... i feel honored that you reviewed this. the next vesion will be much more indepth. but i have to learn how first (i got swift 3d yesterday)
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel:
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03