omg.... i wanna kill it...
this movie makes me want to kill the chubbalope and the bunny
omg.... i wanna kill it...
this movie makes me want to kill the chubbalope and the bunny
Animation is super smooth, as always.
But it just can't live up to the original become, which was awsome.
Nice movie though, good job.
thanks man
yeah it isn't meant to live up to the original, just tribute it (along with the collab)
thanks for the review
Gratz on daily 3rd!
Your first award!
Haha, this movie was teh awsome XD. Micheal jackson pwns btw.
Roflcopter, spacerace
~ (wigly)
Thanks mang
omg, i gotta see that movie
Too bad it will be released never, still takes a long time before it's never :( can't wait
Youll just HAVE to wait.
Haha, that was so awsome
That was so not what I expected with a movie that was called throwback the duck, haha, actually it was about nintendo XD
That was awsome man, you actually got a good planned out story here, animation is great, only thing that bothered me that Throwback's voice wasn't awlays as understandable.
Maybe subtitles for the next chapter?
Anyways, great movie. Can't wait for part 1 (since this was part 0 :P)
Will probably take your long I figure :P
Why so low poly?
Did you make him so low poly to safe render time or something?
Why didn't you just put a meshsmooth on him... doesn't take that much longer and the animation progress stays smooth.
Anyways, the carrot animation was nicely done.
It's kinda weird though :P
As you said, too dark
Also there were too many camera movements, which makes it ever harder to see everything.
Anyways, i like the background you had, also the puppet of the puppet (lol) you made was nice. Also the effects were pretty good.
Nice movie. Good job.
cool, a twist XD
I thought he was gonna fast when they said nobody fucking cared... but that didn't happen XD awsome
Yep that was the plot twist.
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel:
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03