Haha. Nice one man.
But im sure it could have been compressed much, much more. should be able to fit in 5mb.
Good job anyway.
Haha. Nice one man.
But im sure it could have been compressed much, much more. should be able to fit in 5mb.
Good job anyway.
So sad....
Almost made me cry.
Good to see u use another style then just violence. YOu should do that more. Really good job.
Nice use of Swift 3d man.
Good job. I also really liked the music (what is the name of it btw?). good job.
Nice movie.
But i was expecting much more from a movie thats already in the top 50 for 1.5 year.
Good job anyway.
Very short. But awsome!
Im a real fan of the series. And i was looking forward to part 3 for months. And now there finaly is a trailer. But isnt Goat his enemy supposed to be a Lama? You saw hat at the end of part 2.
Anyway, Really looking forward to it. but i htink you could have better submitted this as an alpha.
Good job.
Btw. when do you think it will be out?
Finaly a good movie from the Knox!
Ive been waiting a long time for this to happens.
I enjoyed the plot. Its funny how you frist htink: WTF is going on?
And afterwards you get it... wel... kinda... not totaly...But ehh... Good job!
Already knew this from the egg song.
Its ok.
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel: youtube.com/timvanhelsdingen
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03