This is... SWEET STUFF!!!
Man... So.... Damn... Smooth animation. special effects look awsome. Music is awsome... GREAT MOVIE! Makes me wanna play Alien Hominid.... XD
This is... SWEET STUFF!!!
Man... So.... Damn... Smooth animation. special effects look awsome. Music is awsome... GREAT MOVIE! Makes me wanna play Alien Hominid.... XD
Great storyline, style, music. good job!
Only thing that bothered me a bit was the voice acting. But that doesnt really matter. The music and all was really cool. Also the skate boarding f-zero like thing was cool. Keep em comming
Great stick animation.
You dont see such smooth stick animation that often. The only one who can make it smoother is Zhu himself. Good job!
Thanks cubicle! :D
Nice fbf animation.
The animation looks pretty good. Although some of the drawings aren't that great. But that doesnt really matter. Its a good movie.
Keep em comming!
Hahaa. Leuke movie gozer.
Niet echt origineel meer. Maar wel leuk. Alleen jammer dat ie zo short is. Nouja. boeie. Is gewoon leuke movie.
He... Btw. hebbie msn? Ik maak er een gewoonte van om nederlanders te adden van ng. En aangezien de meeste noobs zijn (niet allemaal...nouja... er zijn er behalve mij maar 4 ofzo die geen noobs zijn XD) lijkt ut me leuk om je ook ff in me msn lijst te hebbe. Nouja. Zie maar.
Greetz from Gamecubicle
Hahaha. lol
Weird shit man. Btw. Why didnt you invited the real Gel? Anyway. Good job.
Gel lives about 8 hours away... but we have plenty of pictures of US doing wacky stuff. This time, Synj was coming from far, far away so I figured I should do something to capture it, then of course why not have a fake gel stop by!
Sick and scary shit.
Its a really great movie. But there are a few things that you can improve:
-Use streaming audio, will spare the filesize.
-Compress the audio a bit more probably.
-Make hitzones in the buttons.
For the rest no complaints about this movie. Really looking forward to other work of you.
Keep em comming!
Weird shit man....
Very... very.. VERY AWKWARD!
Good job. Keep em comming
Thanks GC!
I will keep 'em coming ;)
Haha. lol
Cant believe this scored so high. I bet you also didnt expect that right? Yeah. Well. Goof for you :D
Good job.
now i just feel bad =S
Houdini FX artist / CG generalist based in the netherlands. I also create educational content over on my youtube channel:
My interest in animation essentially started on newgrounds back in 2003, still going strong
Age 37, Male
Houdini FX artist /
Willem de Kooning Academy
Joined on 7/26/03